Thursday, December 31, 2009

Duncan and Olivia!

Not quite sure what these two are thinking. I just love the way they are each playing with an ear!
Dancing the night away!

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Christmas 2009

Duncan was so excited Christmas morning. He only slept about 4 hours Christmas Eve. We are so excited that our 9 year old still can't wait for Santa to come.

This is what too much Christmas looks like! Grace was done around 7:00 that evening.

Grace got a pink shotgun (play, of course) She was so excited that she had to put on the outfit from Granny and PINK boots from Gully to go hunting! I just love it!

Santa came to Gully and Pop's house this year!

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Job Changes

I had been waiting to post, but I figured I would update those who didn't know. Christopher went to work with his Dad. This is something he has wanted for quite some time and I am so thankful that this is the road that God decided was best for us. He is now at Lowcountry Insurance Services of Beaufort. This is a great thing for our family and a move that was needed for a father and a son. I am so proud of you Coco! I love you very much!

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

No Posts!

I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. I have been so busy and I have on facebook instead!

We are so excited about the holidays. Merry Christmas!!!

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to school!

School is back in and I don't have time to do anything. I need to download pictures of the first day. Grace started pre-k and Duncan is in 3rd grade. So hard for me to believe my baby is old enough for school. I was sad Monday. I have a great little class-Thank you, Lord! I am hoping to do better with my blog and catch up this weekend.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hard Time Keeping Up!

I am having a hard time keeping up with this blog, email, facebook, graduate classes and just life. I really hope to do better. I almost feel like I am repeating myself from one thing to the next. I have got to do better. I promise to try.
I need a new updated style I am so sick of this, but I refuse to pay to have it done for me. Any Suggestions. I have cute blog envy.....

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Duncan's Birthday-part 2

Duncan's actual birthday was Monday, June 22nd. We spent the day at the pool and then we had cake and opened presents with Gully & Pop and Hayes, Liz, Sarah & baby John. Dinner was provided by Pizza Hut! Duncan got his Nintendo DS in red, his favorite color and the Mario Cart game he wanted. I think he had a Fabulous Birthday! I Love you Sweet Duncan!!!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Bowling Birthday!

Here are the pictures from Duncan's 9th Birthday party.

We had an amazing cake!

Duncan and his Favorite Person...Pop Pop!

This pretty much sums it up!

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ignored Blog

Okay, I have been so stressed lately that I haven't even had time to blog. We have Duncan's 9th birthday coming up and we are having a BOWLING party. I made the cutest invitations which I will take pictures of tonight and upload tomorrow. We went bowling today just for fun because our weather has been awful. I hope to do better once school is out on Wednesday. I hope everyone is doing well and still will take the time to check in with us!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dance Recital May 2009

Here are the pictures from my sweet, Little Chick's recital this past weekend. She was so cute on stage and knew her dance perfectly!

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Who Knew Reading Could Make You.......


This is how we found Duncan the other night. He was snoring with the book on his face and lights on. It was too funny. I just love my sweet boy!

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Say a Prayer...

Please say a prayer today for the family of Kayleigh. They are hurting so bad right now. She went home to be with Jesus. I cannot imagine how they must feel right now. My heart goes out to them. I pray that God will reach out to them and wrap his arms around them as they get through this difficult time.
I know that I will give my babies an extra hug & kiss tonight and thank God as I do every night for each day they are in my life.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Here are some pictures from today. We had an amazing Easter! It was a wonderful service this morning and it was such a nice day to spend with my family. The weather was perfect! We watched the kids hunt eggs, we let them play by the pool and we had a nice lunch with my grandparents. I hope everyone had a Great Easter and feels as blessed as I do today.
God is Good and I love him so!!!

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Sunday, April 5, 2009


Here is our dancer!!! Grace danced at Kid's Fest this weekend in the Belk parking lot. They have the cutest dance and costumes. This is the dance they will perform at her Spring Recital.
We think she did the best!!! We are so proud of her!

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hey, What are you looking at?

Any thoughts on what you think this horse might be thinking?

I have a few. I'd love to hear what you think.

It just made me smile when I saw this picture on Bakerella's blog!

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